Poetry for Inspiration
I taste myself on your lips (smile)
A little tart, a little sweet
My juices run down your chin
It looks creamy, glistening, and never

Repost: Do you use a program like Grammarly or ProWritingAid to help you edit?
Grammarly and ProwritingAid #workingmywayback Below is a screenshot of my current work in progress inside of Grammarly. I have Grammarly...

*Rowena (2019) Book Launch*
Rowena’s Book Launch is going to be my first official launch for a book. Even though I have three books out, this is something new for me. O

Pt. 3 Creating Internal Conflict in my Writing
“The protagonist of a story may win or lose, but either way, the protagonist's struggle against another character, the natural world, or

Southside Book and Writers Club Reading List for 2019
If you follow SBWC on Facebook, then keep a look out for the video reviews coming in 2019, along with special Workshops.

Southside Book and Writers Club Review of (Troubled Redemption), by Ciara j Lewis
4- Stars were given to this powerful and thought-provoking read. Some of the members felt that at times the read was to slow and also that t

Kim's Review of Love, Lies, and Heartbreak
A story that touches on real life. A relationship self-help guide.
Short-Term Goals I think that everyone has goals or something that they wish to accomplish. My short-term list may look small, but it...
*I am Writing, Just For You (Hattie B. aka Mom)*
Dedication is coming along! My new book is still in the editing phase. I realized that I have learned a lot in the past ten months. Wow,...
*Southside Book and Writers Club Review of Sedahlia*
#indieauthors #Fiction #historicalromance #sbwc