I Just Made a Facebook Author Page!
When I first decided that I would publish my writings. I was told that I needed a Facebook author page right away. Well; you know, it...
This short story is a dream that I had. At this time, I don't have plans to turn it into a book. So; I decided to share it with my...
Repost: Do you use a program like Grammarly or ProWritingAid to help you edit?
Grammarly and ProwritingAid #workingmywayback Below is a screenshot of my current work in progress inside of Grammarly. I have Grammarly...
*Rowena (2019) Book Launch*
Rowena’s Book Launch is going to be my first official launch for a book. Even though I have three books out, this is something new for me. O
(Edited) What Are Your Year-End Goals
I have always set goals for myself. My goals have always included personal and professional things that I wish to accomplish. Over the years
Stress from writing and the process of writing?
The weird part about all of this was that the book in my head was not Rowena, or Rowena Hunting, or the other three books in the Sisterhood
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Developing the promotional flyer below, made me step out of my comfort zone. I usually just advertise my books, with a few reviews, and link
*First Synopsis*
She was in her own intoxicated world until her ex-boyfriend Blake appeared in front of her. She tried politely, asking, him to go away. When