I Just Made a Facebook Author Page!
When I first decided that I would publish my writings. I was told that I needed a Facebook author page right away. Well; you know, it...

Tuesday Marketing Video (Posted Thursday)
Tracey Bishop can be found, on Facebook if you are interested in having her do some work for you. I have to say that I love my coasters...

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Developing the promotional flyer below, made me step out of my comfort zone. I usually just advertise my books, with a few reviews, and link

Tuesday Marketing *Updates and More*
Kim L. Walton, Indie Writer, Self-Published Author of 3 books Founder of Southside Book and Writers Club www.kimlwalton.com...

Tuesday Marketing *My Motivation*
That cover is simply awesome; she is big, bold, and fine as hell. The bold red, sucks you in. While the fluttering butterflies, remind you o

Tuesday Marketing *Dedication* & The Importance of Book Reviews
Also in this video I discussed the promotional activity that Dedication and Kim's DIY will be in over the next few months. IÂ will keep y

First Event in (9) Months
I made it almost (6) hours in the sun and heat promoting myself, signing books, and networking with some awesome people. This was my first t

ROWENA… My current work in progress.
Rowena removes her arm from around Porsha’s neck; bring her arm up so that the flat of her hand (palm) smashes into Porsha’s wrest. This act
If you remember, I discussed social media in the 24th of March’ Talk Session. Today I am going to go into details or better yet explain what
Social media platforms can be used to market yourself, and your brand. As an entrepreneur; it is important to share, your product to as many