Repost: Do you use a program like Grammarly or ProWritingAid to help you edit?
Grammarly and ProwritingAid #workingmywayback Below is a screenshot of my current work in progress inside of Grammarly. I have Grammarly...

Southside Book and Writers Club Reading List for 2019
If you follow SBWC on Facebook, then keep a look out for the video reviews coming in 2019, along with special Workshops.

Creating Internal Conflict In My Writing
This method did/has helped me develop, and make my plot better. Once I determined what my Main Character would be doing. I next had to figu

Stress from writing and the process of writing?
The weird part about all of this was that the book in my head was not Rowena, or Rowena Hunting, or the other three books in the Sisterhood
I am asked a lot about how I prepare; no, how I manage my time to write, with my family and other duties that could and do distract me....
My seven-year-old grandson is currently fixated on the word Agenda and all the ways that people use the word. So one night; he saw me...
*Dedication~ Sandra and Maxwell’s Theme Song*
Dedication~ Sandra and Maxwell’s Theme Song Jeffery Osborne (The First Time I Made Love It) The first time I made love It wasn't love at...
*I am Writing...Yeah!*
*I am Writing...Yeah!* I just finished the rough draft to my DIY booklet/guide. It is currently in the hands of my beta readers. So far,...
*Set Goals for 2017*
*Set Goals for 2017* The New Year is almost here. I always use this time of year as a time of reflection. I do not set the normal goals;...

*The Mirage of Love Review*
#bookclub #Reviews #Writer #writing #reading #Themirageoflove #society #peace #love