*My First Interview*
*Defining Your ISM Journey*
This mini bio was part of an interview I did for Gemmadaily back in 2016...What do you think? I was reading this in the email this morning, thinking wow! It has been almost a year since I first published my book.
Inspiration can come from anything, anyone!
Name: Kim Walton
E-mail: Kim_walton@yahoo.com
Select your story type: Inspire
Write your story:
I first started to write in Old Dominion Job Corps Center. Besides classes and assigned duties, you had much time on your hands. Writing and reading were my outlets for anger, depression, and what I considered back then to be life’s injustices.
Fast forward twenty odd years. I got sick and couldn’t work; I had worked for years for the public school system. Had worked hard to get my life, to where I wanted it to be. Not being able to work; did something to me not only physically, but also mentally. I turned to writing again as a form of self-therapy. The basis for my first book ‘My Motivation’ was written back when I was nineteen or twenty. I completed that book at the ripe age of forty-two. My Motivation gave me a purpose again, it sustained me, pushed me, motivated me whenever I felt like falling or giving up.
When I concluded the book, I searched for someone to publish it for me. This task proved to be a mountain climb but never reaching the top. After many No’s, I do not think so, and it is not good enough. I researched how to self-publish myself, which is what I did. After almost a year of research, on May 15th, 2016. I self-published My Motivation as an eBook on Amazon myself, my way, and on my terms. By no means, was the book perfect? However, I got it out there, and it is a good read. I want other independent authors, writers to learn that they can do it too.
Currently, My Motivation is in three Libraries in two different states. The same book that people judged without reading, I say wow every time I think of that. As a self-published author, I not only pushed my books out. I had to learn how to do my marketing, promoting, and book cover designs. I want others to know and understand, that it can be done and done with quality. With research, patience, and a bottle of Tylenol....