Indie Urban Lit Festival
I am sharing this email; on behalf of myself, and others who will be participating in this festival. The organizer is doing a wonderful job advertising, and with limited resources at that. So I am going to do my part as well. Whether you like Young Adult, Urban, Action, and so on. This festival is the time to support your local authors. RVA please come out on June 24th @ the main street library, and show your love.
This event is going to be HUGE.
We are assembling the promotional materials and could use some book cover images from YOU, our wonderful authors! So, if possible: Please email me 1) Your best book cover image and (optional!) 2) the title and author of a book that inspired you to be a writer. The latter can be anything—have fun with it! This is a book fair and conference for people who love to write AND read and we want to connect readers with authors. You can reply to this email with images attached as a .JPG, and please use the subject line “Indie Urban Lit Fest” when you email so I can organize the replies.
Also, if I have NOT contacted you regarding a workshop proposal but you would like to lead one, please let me know soon. I am putting together a schedule for the press kit and hope to have it finalized by mid-April. I will get with you individually regarding workshop proposals.
Thank you all for registering and please continue to promote the event to your networks. Let’s blow the roof off the library! In case you haven’t yet, please join the event page on Facebook and share it. The more the merrier! I will be posting schedules and updates there as well. Send me any questions and comments as you have them.
Have a wonderful day!
Natalie Draper
Library/Community Services Manager
Hull Street Branch
Richmond Public Library
1400 Hull Street
Richmond, VA 23224