Currently, I am in the process of building my platform. What platform do you say? The platform for my brand, books, and myself! Whether you are an indie author, or with a traditional publishing house. You have to build awareness for your books and yourself. I have to assume that a traditional publishing house will work with you to promote yourself and your books. Whereas; the self-published writer has to do all of the legwork for promoting and marketing of their brand themselves.
I am marketing my books on different social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter)
Created a website (what I am using now)
Going to events (books, festivals, fashion shows, flea markets)
Handing out flyers, business cards everywhere I go (always keep something with your information on you)
I talk about my writing and books to everyone (I don’t force people to listen, I only discuss my work with interested parties)
Southside Book and Writers Club ( I am always looking for new members for the book club) this is another chance to market and promote myself. A great way for all involved really, but only if you have proactive members. Also as the book club starts to host and do events, can you say another chance to market and promote. Oh yeah, my clubs first event is coming up this August, that is even marketing that I have to do and plan for.
I talked about some of this a few months ago and just recently in my new book Kim’s DIY. Over the next few months, I plan to evolve as they say. Meaning, I plan to add new and improved ways to market and promote myself. I know that it can get hectic, tiresome, or for some, you just don’t know what to do.
If you follow me; then you know that I believe in using a calendar, agenda, or both. Marketing and promoting yourself should not leave you feeling overwhelmed and overworked. It should make you feel proud that you were able to get your work out to a potential audience. Plan out your marketing strategy; if you don’t have one, sit down and write one out. Yes, it will help you in the long-term and think of what you will learn during the process. The one word that I learned is consistent, your plan will help you build on that.
As always if you find this information helpful…share