Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Be creative when you are deciding, how to brand yourself with materials. Use bold lettering and colors in your designs. This can help you stand out, set you apart from your competition, and showcase your uniqueness.
Think about how I said that Denzel Washington’s brand is his quality of work. He said the same that “quality is branding,” so when you think about him regarding acting, you know that when you go see him in a movie you are getting his best performance or the best performance he can give. Think about this as well, you expect his work to be good! Apply that logic to your own self; establish a brand that is known for its quality, and creativity.
Stepping Out of the Box (Your Comfort Zone)
Developing the promotional flyer below, made me step out of my comfort zone. I usually just advertise my books, with a few reviews, and links. However, as with anything, I realized that my marketing plan always has to evolve, and grow, to keep up with the ever-changing social norms.
People want to see you, know how to contact you, know what’s next on your agenda. This promotional flyer is just the start for me, next will be the development of my sale flyer. My sell flyer will be similar to the promotional flyer, the main differences will be the inclusion of buy and contact links added, and I plan to do individual sell sheets for each book. I know, I know, you are probably wondering, how making a flyer intimidated me? It wasn’t so much as the flyer, but figuring out what information to place on it, and I kept doubting, myself about whether or not it was good enough.
Then I was back and forth about my book blurbs. Do I add this, is this correct, does it sound okay, is it right, and is this enough information or was it too much information. After a lot of trial and error; this is, what I came up with so far. I figured once some feedback or advice starts, coming; I can then make changes, as needed.

As always, share and share some more…
FIY: New video uploaded to Youtube
Kim L. Walton, Indie Writer, Self-Published Author of 3 books
Founder of Southside Book and Writers Club
Richmond, Virginia